‘A Leader is one who knows the way, shows the way and walks the way.’
St. Xavier’s School Mahad, held its Investiture Ceremony on Saturday 25th June 2022 with great pomp and grandeur.
The Investiture Ceremony is a proud moment where all the newly elected leaders take oath. It is a platform to showcase the leadership skills and abilities of our students. It is the most prestigious ceremony in the school life.
The programme began with the arrival of the honorable chief guest, Mr. M.P Khopade, the Police Inspector of Mahad.
The chief guest unfurled the school flag and the entire assembly of staff and students chanted the school Anthem newly composed by Mr. Wilson Dsouza, the Trustee and brother of the Chairman of the school. The lyrics of the Anthem describe the natural beauty and mission of our school and asserts the school motto “Let your light shine”.
The dignitaries lit the lamp, symbolizing the light of knowledge dispelling the darkness of ignorance.
The troops of former and newly elected Prefects and Vice-Prefects Marched in with pride to exchange the charge of duties to carry on their responsibilities as heads of their houses to the fullest with zeal and passion.
A Spirit of unity and dynamism filled the air as the newly elected Prefectorial Board were conferred upon with their posts. The House Coordinating teachers for each house pinned the badges for their respective House Prefects and Vice Prefects. Each student leader stood proud, prepared to shoulder their responsibilities with vigour, zest and new found enthusiasm. The leaders were solemnified by the oath by the Principal of School where they pledged to uphold and follow the principles and values of the school.
The Head Boy and Head Girl for the academic year were announced based on their academic excellence and overall performance in the previous year. Master Aaditya Salagare and Miss Asmita Chougule were appointed as Head Boy and Head Girl for the academic year 2022-23.
The torch was raised by the Chief Guest and passed to the Head Boy and Head Girl symbolizing the transfer of responsibilities to them. Later the torch was passed to each of the eight houses who promised with enthusiasm to Shine their Lights. The entire atmosphere was echoing with their thundering slogans.
The mesmerizing dance performed by the girls of class IX left the audience enthralled. The chief guest was highly impressed with the disciplined programme. He said that he remembered the parade held during the programme when he was commissioned into office. The guest in his address urged the students to take up new challenges and turn them into opportunities. He added that most of the people assume and believe that Leadership is a position but advised the prefects to look at leadership as, Who they are. He concluded his speech with the a thought: ‘Great Leadership starts with Self-Leadership’. His words made a great impact on the students and their morale was boosted.
The students of Class X and XII who had achieved great success and brought glory to school were felicitated by the dignitaries with shawl, trophy and bouquets.
The former prefects and vice-prefects of each house were honoured for the hard work they had done in the previous year. All the eight house coordinators were also appreciated and felicitated with gifts as a token of love.
‘All that starts well must end well’. The programme concluded with the formal vote of thanks cast by the Principal of the school followed by National Anthem.